Sunday, 23 February 2014

My dear child, I wonder if you know?

If you say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
even the darkness will not be dark to me;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to me.

For I created your inmost being;
I knit you together in your mother's womb.

(Psalm 139:11-13)

Before, you did not exist. But I did.
Darkness did not hide you, you were not hidden from me.
For darkness is as light to me, I brought you into existence.

I made the innermost part of you-your heart, soul, mind.
Before, they did not exist, but I breathed life into you.
I made the very essence of your being.

With much care and love, I knit you together,
I united the parts of you, so you became one being.

And all this was happening
while you were just being formed in your mother's womb,
you were unaware, but I was there,
and I loved you.

I loved you when you were born, 
when you were growing up.
I loved you for all those years when you didn't think I existed.

I loved you when I was hung up onto a cross,
crucified and bleeding,
broken and dying.

And I love you now, and forever more.
God's unfailing love- revealed to me this morning :)

note: Only the lines in italics are taken from the bible= God's word (I switched it to be from God's perspective though). Everything else is simply my interpretation of God's message from the verses.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Let it go...

Aside from the fact that I absolutely loved Frozen, this song and I think this picture is COOL...this post is not about the movie.

I want to share about the idea of surrender. The idea of giving my life to God  (my friends, family, possessions, skills, abilities, desires, relationships, interests) has been on my mind for a while and there are times where I have earnestly asked God to take my life. Jesus paid for it on the cross, why should I live as if it is my own?

Nevertheless, 'surrender' remained  (and still is for me) a very abstract concept. Oh how I wished it was a more  tangible, physical action, like a child handing over a lollipop to their parent.

Fortunately (or unfortunately :P ) God heard my prayers, and honoured them more than I could ever imagine. Although moving interstate for Uni may not be a biggie for some, it is honestly a giant leap out of my comfort zone. It's hard knowing what I'd be missing out on in Sydney. Ministry opportunities, a great church, experiencing uni together with my best friends, chilling with family, walking with my brothers and sisters in Christ...playing with my dog Pepper. Yet at the end of the day, something in my heart tells me it is the right decision. This is a step God wants me to take. I'm not too sure where I'm heading, for how long, or why, but for now, I am to take one step at a time. (Even though I want to plan/know 10 steps in advance). Surrender. I think the whole idea is that we don't decide how we serve God, how we use what we've been given, where we go, what our lives will look like, what situations we face, who we have in our lives, who we fact we don't decide anything anymore. We simply tell God, Here I am, the rest is up to Him. And in that moment of glorious surrender-you are free.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Ahoy there!

My name is Debbie :) I think the best way I can introduce myself is as a daughter of Christ. I've spent most of my life not realising that I was missing something, or rather, someone in my life. Someone important, someone great, mighty, beautiful, indescribable, loving, patient, kind, greater than my wildest dreams. It wasn't until 2011 that I found out that the name of this person was Jesus Christ.

Since then, God has taken me on a most wonderful adventure :) He shows me who He is and His incredible love for us.

My hope for this blog is that it may be a vessel for personal reflection, a window into my walk and an encouragement to others. :)  I may post thoughts, questions, verses, drawings, photos and other stuff.

Hoping that you might see glimpses of God between the lines.
